For secure online donations via credit card
Halacha Education Center (DBA Sulamot)
JPMorgan Chase Bank
50 Grand Avenue, Englewood, NJ 07631
Bank Phone number: 201-568-7143
Account Address: 254 Chestnut St., Englewood, NJ
Account Name: Halacha Education Center
Routing# for direct deposit & ACH: 021202337
Routing# for wire transfers: 021000021
Bank Account#: 994729587
Our Tax ID/EIN: Halacha Education Center: 45-5237529
Earmark: Sulamot – ATUFIM
Make check payable to "Central Fund of Israel" and must earmark: "Sulamot-ATUFIM"
Mail check to:
Central Fund of Israel
C/o J. Mark interiors Inc.
461 Central Avenue
Cedarhurst, NY 11516
Attn: Jay Marcus
Tax ID number: 13-2992985
For FIDELITY only: Forward donation to "Central Fund of Israel" and earmark for "Sulamot – ATUFIM" Tax ID/EIN: 13-2992985
To ensure accurate tracking and proper allocation of your donation, please email our development department: